2023 annual report of France Stratégie

France Stratégie is the French Prime Minister’s strategic planning unit. It contributes to public policy and helps to stimulate and inform debate. It conducts research, anticipates future trends, develops relevant proposals and evaluates public policies. France Stratégie focuses its analysis, forecasting and evaluation work on four issues: economy; work, employment and skills; society and social policies; sustainable development and digital technology. All its work is published on the France Stratégie website. Its productions are addressed to public authorities as well as citizens.

Published on : 19/03/2024

Mis à jour le : 10/12/2024

The year 2023 as seen by Cédric Audenis, acting Commissioner General

The Pisani-Mahfouz report, the key publication of 2023

The year 2023, which marked the tenth anniversary of France Stratégie, was a particularly fruitful one, with a number of important publications. They illustrate the variety of issues we have covered and the methods we have used. In particular, the task entrusted by the Prime Minister to Jean Pisani-Ferry on the Economic Implications of Climate Action culminated in the simultaneous publication of a summary report, co-authored with Selma Mahfouz, and eleven thematic reports. This work, of unprecedented scope, carried out with the support and expertise of France Stratégie, is the result of bringing together around one hundred experts from government departments, economic institutes and the research community.

Innovative work carried out by France Stratégie

Among our fifty or so publications in 2023, we presented innovative studies on the ecological transition, such as the analysis paper on the need to plan the forestry and timber sector, or our two papers on the challenges and regional strategies implemented to achieve the target of no net land take. At the time of the second edition of the Occupation and skills conference [conférence des métiers et des compétences], we presented an estimate of the employment needs for the renovation of buildings in order to identify the obstacles and, ultimately, the levers for meeting those needs. We have also published a number of studies that shed light on how inherited characteristics (social origin, gender, migratory background, etc.) influence social trajectories from early childhood through to the entry in labour market. These are all useful contributions to the development of public policy.

Several final evaluation reports published in 2023

Three evaluation committees led by France Stratégie completed their work in 2023: these included the committees dedicated to the French Ultra Fast Broadband Plan, capital tax reforms, and the ‘France Relance’ recovery plan. Therefore, 2023 marked the start of a new cycle, with the launch of two evaluation projects, the conclusions of which are expected in the first half of 2025: these focus on the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games and the Zero long-term unemployed territories experiment [Territoires zéro chômeur de longue durée (TZCLD)]. We have also relaunched the work of the National Commission for the Evaluation of Innovation policies [Commission nationale d’évaluation des politiques d’innovation (CNEPI)] on green innovation policies.

A growing impact on public debate

With an almost 10% increase in visits to the strategie.gouv.fr website, ongoing media coverage of our publications and a large audience gathered at the twenty events organised throughout the year, France Stratégie actively helped to inform the public debate in 2023. To promote the many lessons to be learned from the Pisani-Mahfouz report, we organised a high-level conference as soon as it was published, followed by a series of six web conferences. In addition to the Occupation and Skills Conference, France Stratégie hosted a number of high-level debates, including a conference on the impact of public policy evaluations, with the participation of Jean-Noël Barrot, Minister delegate for the Digital Transition, and Pierre Moscovici, First President of the Court of Accounts (Cour des comptes), and a  conference on the adaptation of local and regional areas to climate change, organised with the Institute for Climate Economics (I4CE). It was on this occasion that Christophe Béchu, the French Minister of Ecological Transition, also called for adaptation scenarios to consider a trajectory of +4°C in France by 2100.

Transition at the head of France Stratégie

2024, a year of transition at the head of  France Stratégie following the retirement of Gilles de Margerie last autumn, will be a  continuation of previous years, with teams brought together to work on issues covering different perspectives and expertise, in line with our interministerial positioning.
