Policy brief Employment of persons with disabilities and business performance Today, an estimated 5.7 million people have a disability, or 14% of the working-age population. About half of them - 2.8 million - have an administrative recognition of disability. Even if the situation seems better in France than in the rest of Europe, the integration of disabled people into the labour market remains no less difficult: their unemployment rate is almost twice as high as the average. Published on : 14/05/2020 Temps de lecture 2 minutes Financial assistance is accorded to employers to compensate for the potentially lower levels of training and productivity of disabled persons, as well as the possible costs of adapting their jobs, accordingly. But the main instrument is a legal obligation, since 1987, for private sector companies with twenty or more employees to employ disabled workers up to 6% of their workforce. To fulfil this obligation, they have several non-exclusive options: direct hiring, indirect hiring (subcontracting and temporary work), training, signing a collective agreement for the integration of disabled persons or, finally, giving a financial contribution equivalent to a full discharge status. In 2016, only 19% of the companies subject to the obligation to employ disabled workers had a proportion of disabled employment, whether direct or indirect, greater than or equal to the legal rate. Do the efforts made by companies have an impact on their economic performance? If so, can the extent of these effects be estimated? Conducted using a large panel of companies between 2012 and 2016, our econometric analysis shows that the size and sector of activity of companies plays a significant role in the extent of their efforts to employ disabled persons. In particular, the information and communication sector provides relatively little direct recruitment effort, unlike the sectors of public administration, education, health or social work. Moreover, the study shows that the increased effort to hire workers with disabilities does not penalise the economic and financial performance of companies. Nor is there any particular link between the level of performance of companies, and their response to the obligation to employ disabled workers, providing that size, location and sector effects are statistically controlled. Transcription Fermer la transcription Reading: 12.7% of companies have a direct employment rate of disabled workers between 2% and 3%; 4.8% of companies have an indirect employment rate of disabled workers between 2% and 3%; and 12.2% of companies have an employment rate of disabled workers (direct or indirect) between 2% and 3%. For a given percentages range, the sum of the first two percentages does not equal the third, since a company with a direct employment rate in one percentages range may have an indirect employment rate in another range.Source: Agefiph data (2016), France Stratégie calculations. Téléchargement Employment of persons with disabilities and business performance Read the full document (in french) PDF - 1 922.8 Ko Topics Entreprises Travail Published by France Stratégie Authors Adam Baïz Eloïse Menestrier Catherine Bruneau Reference Reference Fermer Reference Autres options d'export Version FR More Les impacts territoriaux du télétravail : angle mort des politiques publiques ? En 2023, 19 % des salariés français, en majorité des cadres, ont eu recours au télétravail, plus fréquent dans les grandes agglomé... Travail Territoires Action publique La Note d’analyse 14 November 2024 RSE | Empreinte biodiversité des entreprises Un million d’espèces animales et végétales sont menacées d’extinction. C’est un déclin de la biodiversité sans précédent dans l’hi... Ressources naturelles/biodiversité Entreprises RSE Infographie/datavisualisation 09 April 2020 Le microcrédit professionnel et l’accompagnement à la création d’entreprise en France Le microcrédit professionnel vient en aide à des créateurs généralement sans emploi et exclus des circuits bancaires classiques. U... Entreprises Emploi/chômage Action publique La Note d’analyse 18 June 2014
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