Report Productivity and competitiveness: post-Covid cyclical and structural analyses - Third report of National Productivity Council This report presents both the cyclical and structural shifts triggered by the Covid crisis and the policy response to it, and draws comparisons between France and other countries. Compared to other countries, France managed the Covid crisis rather well in 2020-2021. The evolution of employment, GDP, mortality as well as the balance sheet of companies during the crisis and its aftermath is similar in France compared to other countries. Compared to Germany, the government’s budget deficit and public debt increased slightly more, but much less than in the United Kingdom, Spain and the United States. Published on : 16/05/2022 Temps de lecture 2 minutes Partager la page Partager sur Facebook - nouvelle fenêtre Partager sur Twitter - nouvelle fenêtre Partager sur Linked In - nouvelle fenêtre Partager par email - nouvelle fenêtre Copier le lien dans le presse-papier The crisis resulted in a short-run loss of productivity, reflecting the fall in GDP while employment was safeguarded. In the medium run, with considerable uncertainty, the crisis may positively affect productivity through the increase in teleworking, better dissemination of new technologies and accelerated reallocations. To accelerate productivity gains, the role of skills, training and soft skills is France’s major structural challenge, given its underperformance in this area. Focusing on skill acquisition could help narrow the gap between the most and least productive companies. Continuing to improve France’s attractiveness for investment will be crucial to reindustrialize the country, regain competitiveness, accelerate productivity gains, improve employment and living standards, and enable better management of the ecological transition. Specifically, further changes to the tax system to reduce its weight on production factors (capital and labour) and align it with those of other advanced countries should be considered. Téléchargement Productivity and competitiveness: post-Covid cyclical and structural analyses - Third report of National Productivity Council - Executive summary Read the executive summary (en anglais) PDF - 1 066.7 Ko Topics Macroéconomie Productivité Compétitivité Published by Conseil national de productivité Authors Vincent Aussilloux Dimitris Mavridis Reference Reference Fermer Reference Autres options d'export Version FR More On overview of the conclusions drawn by the evaluation committee The law on economic growth and activity (“Loi pour la croissance et l'activité”) is designed to create the conditions for a reboun... Macroeconomics Articles 23 February 2015 Central bank advocacy of structural reform: why and how? Forthcoming in European Central Bank (2015), Inflation and Unemployment in Europe, Proceedings of the ECB Forum on Central Banking... Macroeconomics Articles 02 September 2015 Growth Declines Are Often Abrupt In the 1960s, France’s economy was growing fast. Having successfully recovered from World War II, it had embarked on comprehensive... Productivity Competitivity Articles 18 September 2015
On overview of the conclusions drawn by the evaluation committee The law on economic growth and activity (“Loi pour la croissance et l'activité”) is designed to create the conditions for a reboun... Macroeconomics Articles 23 February 2015
Central bank advocacy of structural reform: why and how? Forthcoming in European Central Bank (2015), Inflation and Unemployment in Europe, Proceedings of the ECB Forum on Central Banking... Macroeconomics Articles 02 September 2015
Growth Declines Are Often Abrupt In the 1960s, France’s economy was growing fast. Having successfully recovered from World War II, it had embarked on comprehensive... Productivity Competitivity Articles 18 September 2015