Articles Reengineering Government Public Finance Since the financial crisis erupted in 2008, governments in advanced countries have been under significant pressure. In many countries, tax receipts abruptly collapsed when the economy contracted, income dwindled, and real-estate transactions came to a halt. The fall in tax revenues was in most cases sudden, deep, and lasting. Governments had no choice but to raise taxes or to adjust to leaner times. Published on : 05/05/2015 Mis à jour le : 10/01/2025 In some countries, the magnitude of the shock was such that a large tax increase could not fill the gap. In Spain, despite tax hikes worth more than 4% of GDP since 2010, the tax-to-GDP ratio was only 38% in 2014, compared to 41% in 2007. In Greece, tax increases amounted to 13% of GDP during the same period, but the tax ratio increased by only six percentage points. Elsewhere, political limits to tax increases were reached before the gap could be filled. Willingly or not, priority is being given to spending cuts. Disillusion about future growth adds to the pressure. The productivity record has generally been weak over the last few years, and this suggests that growth in the years ahead could be slower than previously expected. Revenue growth thus looks insufficient to match the surge in age-related public spending on health and pensions. This is a very different crisis from those experienced in the 1980s and the 1990s. Back then, the main issue was political: the legitimacy and efficiency of public spending was under attack. In the words of US President Ronald Reagan, government was the problem, not the solution. The state, it was loudly proclaimed, had to be rolled back. By contrast, today’s concerns are economic. Partisan disagreement about the proper scope of government remains, but there is no overall rejection of state intervention. Often, it is not interests or ideologies that make public spending cuts unavoidable – just facts. How can governments rise to the challenge? The risk they face is clear enough: absent a profound reengineering, inertial spending – owing to entitlements and civil-service wages – is bound to crowd out spending on new priorities and new policies. [...] Read more on Project Syndicate's website Jean Pisani-Ferry Ancien commissaire général de France Stratégie, ancien auteur Auteur More Financial Innovation and The State - Lessons for 21st Century Climate Finance from the 19th Century Railways Era: Extended Summary By Dipak Dasgupta (Board Member of Global Climate Fun, India) - This paper seeks to bring a historical perspective to current global financial architecture issues on the speed and scale of climate finance needed to achie... Climate change Public Finance Articles 01 October 2015 The EU’s Refugee Crisis The EU is confronted with an unprecedented influx of refugees. France Stratégie policy analyst Cécile Jolly explains the context of the crisis, the problems it poses for different Member States and how policy can be coor... Public Finance Public action Articles 12 May 2016 Supporting the Energy Transition: the Role of Low Interest Rates Low interest rates tend to favor ‘green technologies’ competitiveness while also increasing their cost volatility. Climate change Public Finance Articles 01 October 2015
Financial Innovation and The State - Lessons for 21st Century Climate Finance from the 19th Century Railways Era: Extended Summary By Dipak Dasgupta (Board Member of Global Climate Fun, India) - This paper seeks to bring a historical perspective to current global financial architecture issues on the speed and scale of climate finance needed to achie... Climate change Public Finance Articles 01 October 2015
The EU’s Refugee Crisis The EU is confronted with an unprecedented influx of refugees. France Stratégie policy analyst Cécile Jolly explains the context of the crisis, the problems it poses for different Member States and how policy can be coor... Public Finance Public action Articles 12 May 2016
Supporting the Energy Transition: the Role of Low Interest Rates Low interest rates tend to favor ‘green technologies’ competitiveness while also increasing their cost volatility. Climate change Public Finance Articles 01 October 2015