Policy brief Towards a forestry and timber industry planning The French forest provides wood used for producing heat, construction materials, packaging, and paper. Additionally, due to the annual carbon sequestration in the forest ecosystem inherent to tree growth, the forest plays a crucial role in mitigating climate change. Finally, it hosts a diverse and rich wildlife and flora, which are sometimes threatened by human activities. Published on : 20/07/2023 Temps de lecture 1 minute The use of harvested timber is a key factor in mitigation policies. Its use - and the use of its co-products - in long-lived wood products allow to store carbon. This use is preferable to energy use because burning wood leads to an immediate increase in atmospheric carbon, which is slowly compensated over time by new forest growth. As a result, current public policies based on the assumption of fuel wood carbon neutrality and underestimating carbon storage in long-lived wood products do not provide the right incentive. It would be relevant to redirect fuel wood support towards the production of long-lived wood products. Moreover, the planning of the timber industry, from forestry to wood use and transformation, should consider not only the challenges of climate change adaptation and mitigation but also those related to energy independence and biodiversity. Balancing these different challenges is complex, and adjusted planning, considering the characteristics of each forest stand, including their biological richness and vulnerability to climate change, will be necessary. The opinions expressed in this document are those of the authorsand are not intended to reflect the position of the government. Partager la page Partager sur Facebook - nouvelle fenêtre Partager sur Twitter - nouvelle fenêtre Partager sur Linked In - nouvelle fenêtre Partager par email - nouvelle fenêtre Copier le lien dans le presse-papier Téléchargement Towards a forestry and timber industry planning Read the full document in french PNG - 118.3 Ko Topics Alimentation/agriculture Ressources naturelles/biodiversité Innovation Published by France Stratégie Authors Hélène Arambourou Reference Reference Fermer Reference Autres options d'export Version FR More RSE | Empreinte biodiversité des entreprises Un million d’espèces animales et végétales sont menacées d’extinction. C’est un déclin de la biodiversité sans précédent dans l’hi... Ressources naturelles/biodiversité Entreprises RSE Infographie/datavisualisation 09 April 2020 Report – Public Subsidies Harmful to Biodiversity Public debate has sometimes tended to equate preservation of biodiversity with the emblematic fate of certain endangered species. ... Natural resources & biodiversity Report 14 October 2014 Gauging the Future of EU Research & Innovation The Research, Innovation and Science Policy Experts (RISE) high level group provides European Commissioner Carlos Moedas with stra... Innovation Foresight Strategy Articles 20 October 0217
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