Publié le
Mardi 09 Juin 2020
One million animal and plant species are threatened with extinction. This decline in biodiversity is unprecedented in human history. How can companies play their part in addressing the challenge of preserving species, and better consider their impact on biodiversity? The CSR Platform has identified good practices that could be generalized.
Biodiversity: An alarming observation
- 18% of the species on the French national Red Data List are extinct or threatened in France as of February 1, 2019.
- 22% of common specialist birds have disappeared from metropolitan France between 1989 and 2017.
- 40% of the world's amphibian species are threatened.
The 5 factors in the decline
- Changes in land use
- Climate change
- Overexploitation of resources
- Pollution
- Invasive Alien Species
Decline in biodiversity: What are the risks for humanity?
Ecosystem services
Almost half of the human population depends directly on natural resources for survival.
- Supply: Products or goods dependent on the ecosystem
- Regulation: Benefits obtained from ecosystem regulation processes
- Culture: Contribution to culture and well-being
The impact exerted by companies
Companies use and draw on the natural heritage they need for their activities. But with what impact on biodiversity?
- Infrastructure and site-related impacts
- Product impacts: Production, use, and end-of-life phase of products
- Impact linked to importation
While business awareness is growing, the biodiversity issue is rarely identified as a significant risk in CSR reports. Actions do exist, but without quantified targets or impact measures.
The 10 recommendations of the CSR Platform
To the government
- Exemplarity and consistency of government actions
- Publication of tools and guides
- Biodiversity research, education, and training
To companies
- Integration of biodiversity issues into the strategy
- Combat imported deforestation
- Integrate biodiversity into extra-financial reporting
To investors and rating agencies
- Integration of biodiversity issues in their extra-financial analyses
To professional federations
- Develop tools and guides for businesses
To employee trade unions
- Raise awareness of biodiversity issues among members
To the research community
- Strengthen Interdisciplinarity
Without biodiversity, there can be no business, economy, or human society. The recommendations of the CSR Platform aim to reconcile species conservation and production. Their implementation could be part of the next National Biodiversity Strategy.
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