Read the full Work programme 2022
In this respect, the reports of the Evaluation Committees of the emergency support and recovery plans have given public opinion access to rich and precise information on these policies’ effects. This evolution has led France Stratégie to focus the orientations of its work programme: a large part of the work is devoted to medium- and long-term perspectives, or to original analyses that provide public decision-makers with useful elements for defining their orientations. In addition, a substantial part of the activity is devoted to public policy evaluations, which, after an increase in recent years, has stabilised at around one third of our workload. This work programme was finalised before the war in Ukraine, which Russia launched towards the end of February. Our work programme will be adapted as needed since the war will have multiple unpredictable impacts.
The report on Major Economic Challenges of the commission led by Olivier Blanchard and Jean Tirole (June 2021) gave a broad overview of the issues of inequality and employment, climate change, and ageing for the French economy and society, and made numerous proposals. The Prime Minister has asked us to lead in-depth work, in cooperation with the administrations concerned, in order to examine the recommendations and bring them closer to operational measures. The beginning of 2022 will finally see the completion of important foresight work with the projection of jobs and skills to 2030 with the Dares, and that of mobility to 2040 with the CGEDD.
The main lines of our work programme for 2022 will focus on topics such as the ecological transition, with, for example, the launch of a major project that will bring together all the players involved in modelling the links between the economy and policies to combat global warming. It will also focus on the conditions that need to be met to enable the productive system to better withstand the shocks observed in recent years and to better ensure the autonomy of France and Europe. The formation of lifelong inequalities throughout childhood, adolescence and youth in order to better define policies to reduce them, and the changes in occupations that will be required by the ecological transition, the digitalisation of the economy, and the ageing of the population, are also addressed in our work programme.
2022 will mark an important step in the work carried out within the framework of the Sustainability Seminar launched over two years ago. We plan to publish a report that will focus on the conditions for the development of public policies that would make it possible to better take into consideration long-term issues, and to base these policies on a civil and political deliberation that would help to ensure their lasting legitimacy.
France Stratégie's objective is to be useful to public decision-makers in the application of their responsibilities, as well as to all our fellow citizens, by providing them with solid, precise and, when possible, quantified information to help them form their own opinions on the actions to be taken and on those that have been evaluated. The increasing number of government referrals to France Stratégie by the executive, and the growing audience for our work and the events we organise are precious encouragement for the entire team, whose commitment during these years of crisis has been exceptional.