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- Type d'image:LibreMercredi 28 Juin 2023English Articles
Urban exodus: a modest move to the countryside
The Covid crisis has sparked a desire for a greener and less densely-populated environment among city dwellers, particularly in metropolitan areas, which apparently resulted … - Type d'image:Image contenu principale (Dimensions 635px * 300px)Mercredi 31 Mai 2023English Articles
The economic implications of climate action
This report was commissioned by French Prime Minister Élisabeth Borne. - Lundi 22 Mai 2023English Articles
Exits of older workers: What specifics by occupations?
Any pension reform emphasizes the issue of older workers’ employment (55 to 64 years old). - Type d'image:LibreMercredi 17 Mai 2023English Articles
Abatement Costs in France
The Commission on Abatement Costs, chaired by Patrick Criqui, assesses the unit costs of reducing greenhouse gas emissions in France from a sectoral perspective. - Type d'image:LibreVendredi 21 Avril 2023English Articles
Inequality of opportunities: what matters most?
Inequality of opportunities is particularly pronounced in France. This widely shared belief entails to be clear about the characteristics that influence (or not) … - Type d'image:Image contenu principale (Dimensions 635px * 300px)Lundi 17 Avril 2023English Articles
Occupations in 2030: what are the outlooks for recruitment in regions?
In March 2022, France Stratégie and Dares provided a quantified outlook of recruitment needs and difficulties for the upcoming decades in France. - Type d'image:LibreJeudi 06 Avril 2023English Articles
The cost of inaction on climate change: what do we know?
What do we know about the future costs of climate change at the French national level?