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- Type d'image:LibreMercredi 04 Janvier 2023English Articles
Evaluation of the National Strategy for the prevention and fight against poverty
The third annual report of the Evaluation Committee of the National Strategy for the prevention and fight against poverty 2018-2022, chaired by Louis Schweitzer and led by … - Type d'image:LibreMardi 03 Janvier 2023English Articles
Socio-Economic Evaluation of the Health Effects of Public Investment Projects
For the proper allocation of public resources, the purpose of the Socio-Economic Evaluation is to assess, based on transparent criteria, the usefulness and collective value … - Type d'image:Image contenu principale (Dimensions 635px * 300px)Lundi 05 Décembre 2022English Articles
Climate action : a macroeconomic challenge
The climate transition is a major transformation, similar in scale to the industrial revolutions in the past, and the time lost in reducing emissions and new geopolitical … - Type d'image:Image contenu principale (Dimensions 635px * 300px)Vendredi 04 Novembre 2022English Articles
How can we explain the recruitment difficulties anticipated by companies?
This study analyzes the difficulties encountered by French companies when they consider hiring. - Type d'image:LibreLundi 17 Octobre 2022English Articles
What public policies assessments are conducted and for what purposes?
The assessment of public policies is attracting increasing interest from public institutions, policy makers, researchers and more generally in civil society. - Type d'image:LibreLundi 03 Octobre 2022English Articles
Skills operators facing the challenge of the ecological transition
The green transition cannot be achieved without the mobilization of companies. - Type d'image:LibreLundi 11 Juillet 2022English Articles
Abatement Costs - Part 4 – Hydrogen
Hydrogen burns without directly emitting carbon. The current energy system already mobilizes some, but this hydrogen is carbon-emitting, as it is derived from fossil methane …