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Lundi 30 Mai 2016
In keeping with its commitment to exploring issues set to shape the future of our society, France Stratégie’s most recent papers in French examine part-time work in France, the impact of the circular economy and the development of driverless cars.
At the Frontiers of the Economy and Technology

In “Part-time Work in France: A Reservoir of Jobs?” ("Le temps partiel, une réserve d’emplois ?"), France Stratégie analysts pose the question of why the rate of part-time work in France is up to seven percentage points lower than in neighbouring countries with strong economies and whether or not the country can turn to part-time employment to generate jobs. Two key findings that explain the gap are median-age women work full time at a higher rate in France and part-time and full-time work tend to be mutually exclusive, whereas in Germany, for example, they are more complementary.

Vehicles that drive themselves will soon be a reality. “The Advent of Driverless Cars” ("La voiture sans chauffeur, bientôt une réalité") starts from this premise to look at how this is set to both shake up value chains in the auto industry, spur the development of new economic models and the creation of new companies, and radically transform our mobility. The authors set forth two options: one where driverless cars are introduced progressively from 2040 and another where vehicles are upgraded as early as 2020, with mass usage by 2025.

Given the increasingly dire effects of climate change and global warming, governments across the globe are forced to rethink how their economies are organized.  Enter the so-called circular economy, where growth relies on increasing the utility of materials and resources to prevent waste and channel them back into supply chains. For France, “Job Creation and the Circular Economy” ("L’économie circulaire, combien d’emplois ?") finds that it has a ways to go before it can decouple economic growth from resource consumption. That said, it proposes using a novel indicator to measure progress towards a circular economy: jobs. In effect, a circular economy will translate into job creation in sectors that conserve resources and will be driven by the digital revolution. The authors estimate that there are currently 800 000 jobs in these sectors today in France.

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