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Mercredi 17 Juin 2015
The integration of young people with immigrant backgrounds and residents of disadvantaged neighbourhoods is inhibited by difficulties that appear concentrated around employment, education and housing, and are particularly marked for certain population groups – children with two immigrant parents, descendants of African immigrants, and young men.
Favouring the Economic Integration of Young People with Immigrant Backgrounds

In large part, these difficulties reflect the socio-economic situation of these young people,who are particularly vulnerable to the dysfunctions of our social and republican model: difficulties entering the labour market for young people, especially for those with few skills; academic success predicated on social origin, with a high number of dropouts; fragmentation and lack of fluidity in the housing market, hindering mobility; weak anti-discrimination policies. Improving their economic integration calls for, above all, a response based on ordinary-law policies.

However, a significant part of the deficiencies observed for young people not directly descended from immigrants cannot be explained by conventional sociodemographic variables: all things being equal, a descendant of two immigrant parents or a resident of a disadvantaged neighbourhoods is in a worse situation than other people in France, as a result of his immigration background or place of residence.

This observation argues for stronger and better-coordinated ordinary-law policies – concerning employment, education, housing and the fight against discrimination – especially at the local level, supplemented by specific policies to restore true equality for all citizens.


  • Childhood Education
  • Employment and Training
  • Housing and Mobility
  • Anti-Discrimination Actions

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Daniel Agacincki
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Anciens auteurs de France Stratégie
Marine Boisson
Anciens auteurs de France Stratégie
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Anciens auteurs de France Stratégie
Mohamed Harfi
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Véronique Deprez-Boudier
Frédéric Lainé
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