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Vendredi 15 Décembre 2023
The recent fall of the unemployment rate and the increasing labor shortages t have highlighted the link between job quality and occupations attractiveness. Before that, the pandemic already brought attention to the issue of "key workers” working conditions. Nevertheless, how to measure this job quality at occupational level? Following the steps of the recent report about the so-called “second line workers”[1], this note build a classification of occupations based on their job quality configuration. This classification integrate a large variety of indicators covering dimensions such as salaries, employment conditions, working conditions, working hours, career prospects, and social dialogue.
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No configuration is ideal, making it challenging to estimate a number of "quality" jobs, however not all configurations are equal. The first two groups of occupation, encompassing both private and public sector executives and medium-skilled occupations , share  mainly positive characteristics, except for some weaknesses, especially intense and high-pressure work for executives. Three other groups offer lower job quality with lower salaries, less favorable career paths, and relatively precarious employment. This configuration combines with physical constraints for the industry workers group and with significant constraints regarding working time for the group primarily composed of low-skilled service workers, while the last group which include  low to medium-skilled employees  remains relatively spared by these risks. The last group includes care, social services and security jobs  shows heavy constraints regarding working time but relatively favourable salaries and career opportunities.

As salaries do not compensate for low job quality, improvements cannot solely rely on salary policies.  Job protection, training, career opportunities, and working conditions appear to be levers for improvement. We shall identify priorities at the sector level. Because job quality often correlates with professional satisfaction and a greater ability to work until retirement, it serves as a lever for job attractiveness and social progress. The challenge is twofold: to enhance workers well-being and to support employer’s productive capacities.

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L'équipe - Vincent Donne
Type d'image: 
Travail, emploi, compétences
Acher Elbaz, Travail, emploi, compétences
Christine Erhel, CNAM, LIRSA, CEET
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