The European Training Foundation (ETF), in cooperation with the European Commission’s Directorate General Employment Social Affairs and Inclusion and Directorate-General for Neighbourhood and Enlargement Negotiations, provide thematic expertise and facilitate the exchange of experience across the six countries of the Eastern Partnership (EaP).
This thematic workshop is part of the Eastern Partnership Platform 2 Work Programme for 2014 – 2017. This “Skills Matching project in the EaP region” aims at building capacity and sharing experience on approaches and institutional settings for anticipation of skills demand and how the created evidence can be used to shape skills’ supply policies.
This third workshop is dedicated to labour market and skills Observatories (the various typologies of France) and to a training session on methods for labour market forecast. The workshop is conducted in cooperation with the French Ministry of Labour, Employment, Vocational Training and Social Dialogue and with France Stratégie.
The two first workshops of this project took place in June 2014 (in Turin) and in June 2015 (Helsinki). As a result, the regional Network of experts and policy makers was established, formed by motivated country teams; the online Platform for Skills Anticipation and Matching was launched; the country fiches and preliminary roadmaps guiding the countries’ decisions regarding development of skills matching systems were drafted by the country teams; started capacity building of the Network members on current practise in the EU regarding approaches, methods and institutional settings for skills anticipation and matching. The programme of thematic workshops is planned to continue in 2016 (2 events) and in 2017 (final conference).
Wednesday, 18 November 2015
The Services of the Prime Minister of France host the participants.
France Stratégie is a government policy institute. Not only does it assess different policy options and make recommendations to the Prime Minister, it also anticipates future trends affecting the economy and society by serving as a forum for debating topical issues and providing a strategic vision for the country as a whole. Combining breadth with depth, its research covers four main fields: employment, sustainable development, economics and social issues.
Focus of the day: Observatories of employment, occupations, qualifications and skills – typologies, experiences and new trends: the case of France
Chair: Xavier Matheu de Cortade, Head of department - ETF
9:15-9:45 - Welcome and opening remarks
Commissioner General of France Stratégie: Jean Pisani-Ferry
Ministry of Labour Employment VET and Social Dialogue, France (DGEFP) to be confirmed
Xavier Matheu de Cortada, ETF
9:45-10:15 - Tour de table and brief introductions
10:15-10:30 - Overview of the workshop objectives and agenda
Eduarda Castel-Branco, ETF
10:30-11:30 - France: Projects at a national level
- Presentation of the Prospective report on occupations and qualifications “Occupations in 2022” published in 2015 by France Stratégie and Dares (statistic service of the Ministry of Labor Employment, VET and social Labor)
- The Employment and Skills Network launched in 2015 by France Stratégie
Two initiatives to reinforce coherence and effectiveness of skills anticipation and matching approaches used in France. Objectives, challenges, state of play of both initiatives.
Introduction by Jean-François Colin, chair of both initiatives : Objectives and challenges to be addressed
Sandrine Aboubadra and Dares (to be confirmed) : “Occupations in 2022” ; Methodology, results and lessons for the future
Lucie d’Artois : The Employment and Skills Network ; objectives, organisation and roadmap
11:30-11:45 - Coffee break
11:45-12:15 - Questions and discussion
11:15-13:00 - Sector and regional Observatories of employment, occupations, qualifications and skills in France: typologies, institutional settings, objectives and roles. An overview. Examples
- CEREQ: Alexandra d’Agostino, Centre d’Etude et de recherché sur les Qualifications : an overview on branch observatory’s structuration
- Branch observatory: Françoise Diard Observatoire des métiers de la Métallurgie – UIMM (Union des Industries et des Métiers de la Métallurgie)
- Regional observatory: Céline Gasquet, Réseau des Carif-Oref (RCO), directrice de L’Observation Régional des Métiers de Paca
13:00-14:00 - Lunch
14:00-15:30 - Observatories of labour market and skills: how do we anticipate demand for jobs and skills of tomorrow?
Objectives, approaches, tools and analysis.
Use of the created evidence - for matching and skills policies.
Challenges. Perspectives for the future developments of Observatories.
Presentation. Questions and answers
- Branch (sector) observatory: Caroline Cohen, Responsable de l’Observatoire des métiers de la filière alimentaire
- Regional observatory: Luc Chevalier, Réseau des Carif-Oref, Directeur du CREFOR Haute Normandie
- Ministère de l’Education nationale, de l’enseignement supérieur et de la recherche (to be confirmed)
15:30-15:45 - Coffee-break
15:45-16:30 - Questions and clarifications on the presentations of the day.
Interactive discussion on the topic: how important is the contribution for better skills matching from the analysis and information created / disseminated by the various typologies of observatories in France.
Moderation: Eduarda Castel-Branco, ETF
16:30-17:15 - Reflection on main learning experiences on Observatories of labour market and skills - within the six Eastern Partnership country teams.
Conclusions to be presented on next day
Les échanges auront lieu en anglais. Inscription sur invitation uniquement.