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- Type d'image:Image contenu principale (Dimensions 635px * 300px)Lundi 04 Juillet 2022English Articles
Occupations in 2030
Occupations in 2030 provides a quantified outlook for occupations by 2030. - Type d'image:Carrousel principal (Dimensions 1111px* 300px)Mercredi 15 Juin 2022English Articles
Sustainabilities! Coordinate and plan public action - Summary
We are going through a triple crisis: ecological, social and democratic. On all these fields, we risk exceeding the limits of what our societies and our environment can bear. - Type d'image:LibreMercredi 08 Juin 2022English Articles
Soft skills to innovate and transform organizations
Uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity are at the heart of modern societies. Transformations are accelerating and represent an inescapable challenge for all organizations, … - Type d'image:Image contenu principale (Dimensions 635px * 300px)Mercredi 08 Juin 2022English Articles
Climate risks, networks and interdependencies: it’s time to act
This work on electricity, road and rail transport and telecommunications networks highlights the vulnerability of their infrastructure at a time of climate change. - Type d'image:LibreMercredi 25 Mai 2022English Articles
Productivity and competitiveness: post-Covid cyclical and structural analyses - Third report of National Productivity Council - Executive summary
This report presents both the cyclical and structural shifts triggered by the Covid crisis and the policy response to it, and draws comparisons between France and other … - Type d'image:LibreJeudi 07 Avril 2022English Articles
Work programme 2022
The Covid-19 pandemic remained unpredictable in 2021, as the progression of the Omicron variant dramatically demonstrated. - Type d'image:LibreVendredi 25 Février 2022English Articles
Social labelling on goods and services
Towards more sustainable consumption: the conditions for the contribution of social labelling on goods and services.